No need to apologize. You are waking up to what happened to you. Your sub-conscious mind (SCM) is throwing memories up to your reasoning mind (RM) for you to examine. In this case, your SCM wants you to compare the ease in which your supposedly righteous father is willing to lie in public under oath (lying is a violation of one of the 10 commandments), while at the same time belonging to a religion that uses unbiblical rules to threaten eternal destruction for small children that receive a balloon on a classmates' birthday. Which is not a sin at all, but only a simple celebration of life.
And, that's what they are - RULES , not "standards" as you put it. A very wise man who lived 2000 years ago once said, "Jesus said to them, “Watch out for the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees.”
The Pharisees were the rule makers that put heavy loads on others that they themselves were not willing to bear. The Saducees embraced unbelief. Both are equally dangerous to your soul according to him.
For 2000 years people have tended to believe him because he was a man of utmost character and predicted that he would die as a lamb, in our place as a ransom, and resurrect himself from the dead, while he was dead - then he did it.
For me, his warnings have provided a much-needed framework in which to process the utter train wreck of a life given to me by my devout JW parents.